Sunday, February 24, 2008

Vanilla Banana Cake

I made this by request. She wanted a cake layer with fresh cream and banana like one of a cake shop sell... I do my own version. Thanks to Lynn Sham for her guidance. Ignore the decorations, pleaseeeeeeee!!!

Split the cake into 3 layers. Spread cream onto bottom layer of the cake.

Layer with splitted bananas. Spread cream on bananas, top with another layer of cake, spread cream, bananas, cream and last layer of cake.

Apply thin layer of cream and keep in the fridge for a while.

Cover the whole cake with fresh cream and decorate as desire.

Hahahaha... very bad decorations... don't follow my style...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cupcakes for fun

Sponge Cake

Chocolate Sponge Cake

500g Chocolate sponge mix
8 eggs
100ml water
100ml vege oil (use cooking oil if desperate)

Pre-heat oven at 160 degree Celcius for at least 20 minutes.
Combine sponge mix, eggs and water.
Beat at high speed until double, light and fluffy. Add in oil - just mix well.
Pour mixture into mould lined with baking paper and bake into oven until done.
Turn up side down on wire rack after 5 minutes taken out from oven. Cool.
Make-up as you wish.

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

I used chocolat moist cake recipe, divide into 3 pcs 6" cake and layered with cream cheese. Baked at 160 degree celcius till done. Coating with ganache by Misliha.

From RoyLazim's recipe. Just nice for 8" baking tin.

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

Bahan A
180 gram mentega
20 gram serbuk koko, diayak
120 gram tepung naik sendiri, diayak
1 sudu teh baking powder, diayak
170 gram gula kaster
3 biji telur

Bahan B
250 gram krim keju
60 gram gula kaster
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 biji telur

1. Pukul butter and gula.
2. Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji.
3. Masukkan tepung, serbuk koko dan baking powder yang telah di ayak. Gaul rata.
4. Di sebuah bekas yang lain, pukul kesumua bahan bahan B hingga kembang.
5. Tuang 1 bahagian adunan A kedalam loyang berukuran 7" dan ratakan. Kemudian tuangkan semua adunan bahan B. Ratakan permukaan loyang.
6. Tuangkan baki adunan A.
7. Bakar di oven 160 deg C - selama 60 mins.
8. Setelah masak tunggu hingga betul betul sejuk sebelum dipotong dan hidang.
9. Selamat mencuba

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blueberry Cheese Tart

Ready-made tart shell
For Filling
250 cheese cream
60g sugar
1 egg
vanilla essence
Blueberry filling
Combine cheese, sugar, egg and essence and beat all together till smooth.
Fill the tart shells with blueberry filling, then pipe the cheese mixture on top.
Bake for 10 minutes at 170 degree celcius.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Lavish cupcakes

Urgent orders with purple n pink flowers theme.

CNY cupcakes - last kopek...

Last version of CNY cuppies. These were for Mat Rock's client.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year

Bright colours for Prosperous Chinese New Year and I had my eyes full of mist. Hahahaha...
myspace layout