Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mini Banana Choc Muffin

I tried to utilise some rotten bananas from my kitchen. What I always do, make them into 'cekodok' (fritters???) until nobody wants to eat and the next morning gone into the bin.

This time, I nicely turned the bananas into modern look - cute mini muffin. Based on whatever recipes available in the web, just improvised which I thought reasonable. Well, in this house, the response wasn't that good, at first. So, I gave some to hubby's buddy who paid us a visit, to carry home. He called hubby the next day to place order for his children.

Let's see the 'pick and drop' recipe here...
*250gm tepung gandum / all purpose flour
*50gm serbuk koko / cocoa powder
*2-3 sudu kecil serbuk penaik / tsp baking powder
5 biji pisang berangan / bananas
100 gm gula / sugar
2 biji telor / eggs - lightly beaten
100 ml susu / milk
120 ml minyak / oil (cooking oil/vege oil/melted butter)

Ayak bahan (*), ketepikan. / Sift (*), aside.
Lenyek pisang bersama gula hingga pisang hancur. / Mash bananas with sugar.
Campurkan semua bahan basah ke dalam campuran pisang dan gula, kacau sebati. / Mix well all wet ingredients into banana mixture.
Masukkan campuran tepung dan gaul sebati. / Fold in the flours mixture.
Tuangkan kedalam acuan hingga 3/4 penuh. / Fill the muffin try until 3/4 full of batter.
Bakar 180 darjah celcius selama 18 minit. / Bake 180 degrees Celcius for 18 minutes.

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